Waterless urinals - an ecological and fashionable solution for large companies!


As the name suggests, no water is needed for its operation. This urinal uses modern flushing methods, which are carried out using membranes and valves. It shows great water savings, which is why we often find it in airports, shopping centers, schools, or offices.

1. Low operating costs

A waterless urinal significantly reduces operating costs associated with water usage and maintenance of infrastructure. As shown by British research from the organization Waterwise, which promotes water conservation, implementing waterless urinals can bring significant financial benefits. According to the report, a typical water urinal uses 1 to 3 liters of water per flush, which, in high traffic areas such as public places or commercial buildings, translates into huge amounts of water.

Waterwise estimates that one waterless urinal can save approximately 100,000 liters of water per year, significantly reducing water and sewage bills. Additionally, since waterless urinals do not require the installation of complicated flushing systems, maintenance costs are lower - we eliminate the need to repair valves, pipes, or other parts that are prone to damage in traditional urinals. This also reduces the risk of malfunctions and the number of service interventions, further contributing to cost savings.

Featured by the British organization Urimat Eco.

2. Hygiene and cleanliness

A waterless urinal offers a high level of hygiene, which is crucial, especially in public places. In traditional urinals, flushing water can cause splashing of urine and bacteria onto nearby surfaces, increasing the risk of spreading germs. With waterless urinals, this problem does not exist - the lack of flushing eliminates the spread of bacteria from splashing, resulting in a cleaner and more hygienic environment.

In addition, special inserts and membranes used in waterless urinals are often designed to prevent the growth of bacteria and the formation of deposits. Many inserts contain antibacterial substances that eliminate bacteria and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. For example, sealing membranes prevent odors from entering the sewage system, making the rooms in which they are used more user-friendly. As a result, toilets are not only clean, but also more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for users.

MB Active Cleaner is an ecological cleaning agent created specifically for Urimat urinals. It contains dormant bacteria that activate in the presence of organic substances such as urine, proteins, and fats.

MB Active Trap Syphon is a key element of the Urimat Eco urinal. Equipped with a vertical membrane, it guarantees 100% protection against unpleasant odors, even in the event of changes in pressure in the sewage system. Additionally, the syphon contains an integrated MB ActiveCube block.

3. Easy installation

Waterless urinals are characterized by a much simpler installation compared to traditional urinals with a water flushing system. Since they do not require connection to a water installation, the installation process is less time-consuming and material costs are lower. In many cases, only connection to the sewage system is needed, which significantly simplifies the installation process.

The lack of need for installing water supply pipes means that waterless urinals can be installed practically anywhere, even in spaces where bringing in water would be costly or difficult to achieve. This is particularly beneficial in places with an unusual layout, such as exhibition halls, stadiums, or outdoor public toilets, where water infrastructure is limited or its expansion is not cost-effective.

Easy installation and the lack of need for subsequent maintenance related to repairing the flushing system make waterless urinals more cost-effective for companies and public institutions.

4. Cost savings

Waterless urinals are a solution that brings significant financial savings to companies at many levels. Here is a detailed discussion of these savings:

I. Savings on water consumption

In a typical water urinal, 1 to 3 liters of water are used for one flush. Assuming that the urinal is used an average of 30,000 times per year (which corresponds to the traffic in large office buildings, shopping centers or stadiums), this means that a single urinal will consume between 30,000 and 90,000 liters of water per year. With current water costs (average of 10 PLN/m³, including water and sewage costs), savings from one waterless urinal can reach up to 900 PLN per year.

For large facilities with multiple urinals (such as office buildings, which can have dozens of urinals on several floors), these savings can reach up to tens of thousands of zlotys per year.

II. Lower operating costs

Waterless urinals have a simpler construction, as they do not require flushing mechanisms or water supply systems. This means there are no costs associated with purchasing and maintaining flushing valves, and fewer potential failures in the water installation. Traditional urinals often experience problems with valve damage, leaks, or the need to repair water supply pipes, which generates additional costs.

Thanks to the waterless design, the risk of such problems is eliminated. It is estimated that savings on maintenance and servicing can amount to 20 to 30% compared to traditional urinals.

III. Lower sewage costs

Eliminating water from flushing also means lower sewage costs. In most cities, the sewage fee is almost equal to the water fee. In the case of waterless urinals, companies avoid both the cost of purchasing water and the cost of sewage disposal, which can bring in additional several hundred zlotys per year per urinal.

IV. Prolonging the lifespan of sanitary devices

Water used to flush traditional urinals leads to the formation of urinary and water deposits in pipes and devices, which can cause malfunctions and the need for expensive cleaning and servicing. Waterless urinals do not have water, which limits the formation of deposits. This extends the lifespan of sewage systems and urinals themselves, allowing for additional savings on replacement or maintenance of devices.

V. Shorter cleaning time and lower costs associated with maintaining cleanliness

The lack of water eliminates the problem of deposits and splashes on the surface of the urinal, making it easier to maintain cleanliness. In high-traffic areas, this means less time needed for cleaning, and therefore lower labor costs. Additionally, special inserts used in waterless urinals have antibacterial properties and prevent the formation of deposits, further reducing the costs associated with frequent cleaning.

Author: Kacper Błaszczyk


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