Smell conveys a lot of information and can strongly influence emotions and decision-making, which is why it is used in commercial areas. Its strength and impact on humans are successfully utilized by many companies. With a well-chosen fragrance composition, customers are attracted and their loyalty is built. This type of activity is called aroma marketing or scent marketing.
Advantages of Using Air Fresheners
Communicating with customers through sounds and images is worth supplementing, especially since it does not require significant financial resources. A major advantage of this form of marketing is its low cost and widespread availability.
Aerosol air fresheners, which typically last for at least a month, cost from about 14 to 30 PLN including tax. Automatic air fresheners, which dispense scent automatically after programming, range from about 77 to 230 PLN. Electric air fresheners are small devices that can be mounted on the wall. They are easy to operate and run on batteries. This way, they discreetly dispense fragrance and unauthorized persons do not have access to them.
The essential question, however, is why the use of scent in commercial areas is so effective? Scent acts directly - it cannot be avoided, and more importantly, when well-chosen, people want to stay in and return to places that smell good to them. Additionally, it influences people on both conscious and subconscious levels, meaning customers in stores, hotels, and cafes are unaware that the scent in a given place is intentional. Therefore, they often do not perceive this form of marketing as an advertising tool, unlike images or sounds, which they can avoid by looking away or putting on headphones with their own music.
How to Choose the Right Scent?
The most important issue is choosing the right scent for a given business to make aroma marketing truly effective. The fragrance composition should be well thought out, so it aligns with the specific industry and forms a coherent element of the brand's image along with the interior decor, company logo, and provided services. Examples?
Relaxing scent is ideal for a massage salon, spa, or customer service waiting room.
Refreshing fragrance refill is recommended for sports facilities like gyms, fitness clubs, and swimming pools.
Fruity and coffee fragrance compositions are recommended for dining establishments like restaurants and cafes.
To avoid getting lost in the multitude of scents, we have prepared a scent map that includes commonly found compositions with information on the types of businesses they are recommended for, as well as a division by gender, i.e., recommended for women, men, and both.
Download the file in PDF format.

Ryszard Kurek
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