
Bathroom equipment sets, including liquid soap dispensers, single-use towel dispensers along with the Z-fold paper intended for them, toilet paper roll holders, waste bins, and many other products essential in every WC, are an excellent solution allowing any public toilet to be quickly, easily, and cheaply equipped. Carefully selected and perfectly harmonizing plastic and stainless steel accessories gathered in universal sets, proven in schools, hospitals, doctor's offices, restaurants, kitchen facilities, or social rooms in industrial plants, fulfill a number of the most important tasks, helping to keep the sanitary facilities clean and guaranteeing their aesthetic consistency.

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Faneco HIT Matte Steel Set

Faneco HIT Matte Steel Set

€121.95 EUR
€112.80 EUR
Special offer
Set: container, dispenser, doser Faneco HIT Black steel black

Our wide range of bathroom sets allows you to choose them in such a way that they can easily meet the challenges posed by modern toilets: for high-traffic restrooms, an excellent solution would be a set of bathroom accessories with a paper towel dispenser and a durable soap dispenser made of hard ABS plastic, combined with a multifunctional floor cleaning kit including a cleaning cart and a mop. For smaller and less visited restrooms, an attractive product would be a set that combines a paper dispenser with a supply of consumables for it. Supplemented with necessary waste bins and cleaning products such as toilet cleaners and glass cleaners, along with appropriately selected rags, they are attractively priced and make it incredibly easy to prepare the decor of public restrooms and provide them with all the necessary products for daily use and maintenance of high hygiene standards.