Toilets in China surprise tourists.


The traditional Chinese toilet is distinguished by its appearance and the way it is used in a squatting position. However, it is not the only country that uses a squat toilet, similar solutions can also be seen in Turkey or Italy.

Regardless of where we are when using the bathroom, we expect privacy, which gives us the freedom to perform various activities, including hygiene. In traditional Chinese toilets, we may have a problem with this.

Chinese society makes up 18.7% of the world's population. The most populous country in the world mainly uses public toilets.

Toilets in China are shocking, what should we know about them before traveling?

The traditional Chinese toilet stands out for its appearance and the way it is used in a squatting position. However, it is not the only country that uses squat toilets, similar solutions can also be seen in Turkey or Italy.

So why are Chinese toilets so terrifying?

Toilets in China, called "squat toilets," only have a hole with a drain. Often found in public places, these solutions are also referred to as pits because they do not have a toilet bowl.

No doors in the bathroom

A surprising fact is the lack of doors in the bathroom, the only semblance of privacy being low walls separating the areas where physiological needs are taken care of.

See also: Are there more bacteria in the gym than in a public toilet?

Are normal toilets available in China?

Tourists are used to Western toilets, which are used by sitting on the toilet bowl. The Chinese squat toilet can cause terror among people who see this solution for the first time.

Normal toilets are available in large Chinese cities, and we can easily use Western toilets in
better hotels and tourist attractions.

Can toilet paper be flushed?

Due to old installations, flushing toilet paper is prohibited in most towns in this country. Waste bins are placed near the toilets, where used toilet paper is thrown away. Attempting to flush it can result in a clogged drain.

Check also: Why do foreigners get lost in Polish toilets?

Why are squat toilets installed?

Clean solutions have health benefits, help remove toxins from the body, and facilitate bowel movements. Additionally, in some countries they are considered more hygienic than western toilets. When using a floor-mounted toilet, we do not have direct contact with the toilet bowl.

Author: Katarzyna Szumska

Zobacz tureckie misy ustępowe montowane w łazienkach w celach zdrowotnych.

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