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New smart toilet lets you sing not only in the shower


Intelligent voice-controlled multimedia toilet by Kohler

The bathroom is definitely not a room where you would want to spend long hours. The exception may be relaxing baths and... a visit to a completely interactive and designed with the utmost comfort of the user in mind, intelligent toilet equipped with voice-controlled toilets, mirrors and bathtubs by Kohler. The manufacturer, creating sanitary equipment for 146 years, has taken care not only of touchless sink faucets and heated toilet seats, but in search of further innovations, he also decided to create devices with built-in lighting and... speakers that connect wirelessly to smartphones and portable mp3 players. All this to make using the toilet always a pleasant and relaxing experience.


Toilet dizziness

Known as the Numi 2.0 intelligent toilet, this is a true pinnacle of the latest technology and has everything you need (and even things you don't really need) for a truly comfortable bathroom experience. Above all, this device allows you to maintain a high level of hygiene in the bathroom. To lift the seat, simply activate the motion sensor by approaching it at the right distance, thus avoiding the spread of bacteria on your hands. In addition, the manufacturer has also taken care of all other aspects related to toilet maintenance: built-in cleaning systems include not only a specially shaped toilet bowl, allowing high-pressure water to thoroughly flush away waste, but also accessories such as a UV light emitter to help disinfect bacteria-prone areas. Add to that an extended, heated seat for added comfort, a gentle and warm air flow, and foot warming function, as well as the ability to control different modes with a wireless remote, and you have a device that can compete with the most advanced electronic household appliances in terms of complexity.


On the stage and in the paragraph

The word "compete" may be an understatement in this case. The Numi 2.0 toilet can even replace some of them properly. Especially stereo towers. By wirelessly connecting via Bluetooth to MP3 players, tablets, and laptops within a 10-meter radius, the smart toilet is able to receive voice commands and play user-selected music from its built-in speakers using the built-in Amazon Alexa program. And for a better effect, it adds a whole visual setting, provided by high-quality programmable lighting. The dynamically changing, interactive, and multi-colored light can even be easily personalized. And thanks to the ability to save preferred settings, each of the household members using this toilet can quickly and easily, using voice commands or a remote control, give the toilet a command to turn on their favorite music, visual setting, and buttock and foot heating temperature. Those who value being always up to date more than relaxation can use the Numi 2.0 to get information about traffic jams, learn the latest weather forecast, listen to the latest news from the world, and even do some shopping.


In a toilet full of cooperation

Costing $7,000 (approximately 27,500 zł), the toilet is just one part of a larger plan to fully automate the home bathroom, implemented by the company Kohler. This manufacturer has previously worked on such innovations and offers a voice-controlled mirror that can adjust the lighting level to make shaving or applying makeup easier, as well as an intelligent bathtub and sink that automatically fill with a specified amount of water at a temperature set by a voice command. For convenience, using a wireless speaker like Amazon Echo, you can inform the bathtub of your planned bath time and the device will calculate when it should start filling with water at the desired temperature. All of this for just a few thousand more dollars.


This post was based on an article from The Verge.


Ryszard Kurek

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