July 1, 2013 marked a moment of great changes in Polish law regarding waste segregation, disposal, and management. The new law imposes obligations on both municipalities and residents and entrepreneurs. These changes bring about wide-ranging financial, health, and environmental benefits. In order for waste segregation to become a natural and simple phenomenon for us, it is worth familiarizing ourselves with the basic principles of waste management.
TABLE OF CONTENTSTo sort or not to sort?FeesTypes of waste and sorting methods E-waste and other problematic and post-construction waste Where to get waste containers?The average Pole contributes to the creation of about 320 kg of waste per year. In many cities, segregation has been a common practice for a long time, so it will only be a completely new concept for some. Changes in the law are a result of our membership in the European Union, and the goal is to properly sort waste, which will allow for the recovery and recycling of the waste we produce. Compared to other EU countries, Poland is currently performing poorly. Until July 2013, about 1/3 of Poles were not covered by any waste disposal agreement, so the waste was either burned (which is very harmful) or taken to illegal landfills. With the introduction of the new law, everyone is now required to pay for waste disposal.waste collection, so illegal practices no longer make sense.
We need to learn recycling. From 2013 to 2020, we will be in a transitional period. By 2020 at the latest, we should recover 50% of secondary raw materials (paper, glass, metal, plastic) and 70% of construction and demolition materials. Modern sorting and incineration plants will be built to safely solve the problem of waste mountains.

To segregate or not to segregate?
The benefits of sorting are enormous, but there is still a loophole - we can throw away mixed waste. However, we will pay less for sorted waste than if we did not sort it. The rates for sorted waste (per resident) range from 9.05 PLN, while for mixed waste it is 14.54 PLN. The conclusion is obvious - it is worth sorting.
The decision on the amount of the waste disposal fee is made by the municipality, which means that prices may, but do not have to increase. The municipality may apply a system of discounts or subsidies depending on the financial situation of the residents. The fee is paid directly to the municipality, there will be no individual contracts with companies. The vast majority of municipalities will charge rates based on the number of residents.
If someone declares that they are sorting their waste, but the waste collection company notices that they are not, they will have the right to increase the rate to the amount for mixed waste.
Types of waste and sorting method

Did you like our scheme for sorting secondary raw materials? We encourage you to print it out and hang it near your waste segregation bins. It will definitely help with proper selection. Download the file in PDF or JPEG format:
- Waste segregation - container colors, types of waste and how to sort them - PDF file
- Waste segregation - container colors, types of waste and how to sort them - JPEG file
Please remember that all packaging that we throw away should be (if possible) crushed and free of food residues, at least rinsed with water. The frequency of waste collection is determined by the municipality in cooperation with the waste disposal company.
E-waste and other problematic and post-construction waste
This group includes waste that cannot be thrown into household waste containers, such as used electronic and household appliances, batteries, expired medications, oils, etc. It is the responsibility of the municipality to designate points for selective collection of municipal waste, where these types of materials can be safely disposed of. We should not have to pay anything for their collection, as the costs should be included in the fixed fee. However, containers for expired medications can be found in pharmacies, and buckets for packaging from motor oils are provided by gas stations.
Unfortunately, the law does not clearly state how the municipality should handle waste from renovations. Therefore, it is necessary to directly inquire with the municipality about the scope of services provided within the fees.
Where to get containers for waste?
Originally, this was supposed to be the responsibility of property owners and managers, but after a wave of protests, a provision was added stating that waste containers can be provided by the waste collection company, and the cost should be included in the waste collection fees. The municipality is to decide which option to choose. Most municipalities have opted for the second option.
Ryszard Kurek
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