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How to place warning signs in public utility facilities?


Warning for wet floorYou have probably encountered a warning sign "Caution! Wet floor" in a store or shopping mall. This is a great example of an information board for occupational health and safety, which warns against accidents and potential health hazards.

In the store, you will find both indoor and outdoor information boards that ensure the safety of guests and employees in offices and shopping centers. We advise you on what you need to know about information and warning boards.


Why are occupational health and safety regulations so important?

Maintaining safety and hygiene standards is crucial not only for the smooth functioning of a company, but above all for ensuring the safety of all individuals who work and visit it. Both external information boards and internal information boards should comply with the EN 7010 compliance standard. This is the latest and widely applicable quality and standard standard, used not only in Poland, but also in all European Union countries.

Standardization of markings on an international level is extremely important due to the widespread cross-border movement, which makes it easy for people to travel around the world.

The purpose of occupational health and safety signs is to provide information about hazards, warn of danger, or inform about the location of rescue equipment, such as stretchers or emergency phones. An excellent example of a warning sign is a external information board warning of a wet surface.


Meaning of words - why are BHP signs necessary?

Although many information boards function well based on graphic representation or intuitive pictograms, sometimes it is worth ensuring that the labels are enriched with words. This is important for several reasons. Although employees of every company should be trained in basic hygiene and safety rules in the workplace, this does not apply to external guests or clients. For them, a graphic representation of information may not be enough.

The second reason is that the human brain works more efficiently (and therefore processes information faster) when it receives stimuli in several forms simultaneously. Therefore, boards with a pictogram and text are more effective, better reaching the imagination of the recipients. For this reason, we have included in our store's offer BHP signs from the brands Splast and CleanPro, which use a combination of verbal and graphic information and allow for more accurate care for the safety of people moving around the cleaned area.


Ensure the quality of BHP labels

When deciding to purchase external bulletin boards or information boards, you should also consider the quality of the markings. In practice, this means that information plates should be made of durable plastic, resistant to mechanical damage, as well as high and low temperatures. It is very important to use high-quality dyes that will prevent the markings from fading over time and under the influence of sunlight.

All pictograms should be clear and legible enough so that the recipient does not have to wonder what information is being conveyed. The ease of installation is also crucial for information and warning boards. Therefore, adhesive signs should adhere strongly to the surface, and vertical boards placed on a flat surface should be supported by a stable frame.

An example of such a high-quality product is the warning sign for slippery surfaces by Splast, which is made of bright orange plastic, clearly visible in both low light conditions and from a distance. Its folding and carrying is extremely easy, and two handles (plastic and metal) allow for easy transport from place to place while cleaning large rooms and long corridors. The stable construction guarantees reliable operation and eliminates the risk of accidental sign falling, while maintaining a low weight of only 0.7 kilograms.

An alternative solution is to purchase a plastic external information sign by CleanPro, available in bright yellow color.


Where to place external information and announcement signs

In order for information boards to work effectively, they should be placed in the appropriate location to ensure maximum visibility of the markings. Therefore, all free-standing occupational health and safety signs should be placed in an open area. Do not hide them behind corners, columns, pillars, or wall bends.

For signs hanging on walls or other vertical surfaces, two things are important. Firstly, it is worth attaching them in the central point. This way, it will not be necessary to look for occupational health and safety markings, which is important because both employees and customers should be able to see the markings from a distance, and if possible, even before entering the room or the area to which the marking applies.

The second very important thing to remember is to always hang or stick the markings at the average adult height. Even the most well-thought-out information boards will not be of much use if they are placed too low or too high.

Unfortunately, under stress or influenced by fear, the vast majority of people begin to act in a completely automated manner - therefore, appropriate markings should be placed in such a way that they are prominently visible and difficult to overlook. This increases the likelihood that warnings will be noticed in time and prevent tragedy.


Consequences of lack of OHS markings

Failure to place external information boards or OHS warning signs or doing so incorrectly exposes the employer, as well as the employee, to liability under applicable laws. What consequences can be expected?

Violation of OHS standards by an employee is a formal basis for imposing a reprimand or warning on them. Persistent disregard for these standards can result in a monetary penalty being imposed. However, the responsibility of the employer or supervisor who has violated employee rights by breaking safety and hygiene standards is much more severe. According to regulations under the Labor Code, in such a situation one can expect to receive a fine ranging from one thousand to even thirty thousand Polish zlotys, depending on the severity of the offense.

In addition to a financial penalty, the legislator also provided for the possibility of imposing a penalty of restriction of liberty, a criminal fine or imprisonment for up to three years by the court. Each time, during the court proceedings, the adjudicating panel assesses the degree of violation of occupational health and safety standards and determines whether it was gross.


Regardless of civil liability arising from the violation of safety and health standards at work, the employer is obliged to notify the appropriate services of an employee's accident. Failure to fulfill this obligation leads to the imposition of further fines. The lack of an external occupational health and safety board also entails liability for damages under the Civil Code. The injured employee or client may file a lawsuit with the district court to award compensation for the damage caused and compensation for the harm, pain, and suffering associated with the accident.

Although the success of such a lawsuit may seem doubtful, and the proceedings themselves can often last for several years, it often happens that district courts award multi-thousand amounts in similar judgments.


Why is it worth paying attention to compliance with occupational health and safety rules?

Although it may seem that a simple sign "Caution. Wet floor" may look pretentious in a small store, do not risk a high financial penalty or imprisonment. Make sure that the occupational health and safety information signs in your company are placed correctly and do not leave any doubts about what to be careful of.

If you have any doubts, contact your employees or familiarize yourself with our store's offer, where you will find the most popular occupational health and safety markings produced by renowned companies such as Splast and CleanPRO.


Ryszard Kurek

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