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4 best types of plants for a windowless bathroom


Pleasant warm accents give rooms a delicate climate. Decorative soap dishes, hangers, as well as paintings and plants enrich the space of the toilet. Properly selected plants can liven up a windowless bathroom perfectly.

Why is it worth putting plants in the bathroom?

Plants in the bathroomFlowers not only serve a decorative function, some species can effectively remove toxins or ionize the air through filtration. When choosing plants for the toilet, make sure it can survive in a humid, warm bathroom.

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Plants for a windowless bathroom, what to buy?

Plants are an excellent solution for traditionally furnished toilets, as well as modernly equipped bathroom spaces. The best species used for decorating the arranged space are shade-loving plants:

  1. Winged flower - a spectacular species with a delicate scent and white flowers with long dark green shiny leaves. The blooming potted flower dazzles with its unique appearance all year round. The plant does not require direct sunlight. It should be repotted once a year, preferably in spring, and watered 2-3 times a week during the summer.
  2. Zamioculcas zamiifolia - also known as the "iron plant", it is low-maintenance and resistant to adverse conditions and pests. This leafy plant stores water and does not require frequent watering. Its dark green shiny foliage makes for a perfect decoration in any bathroom. The plant can produce 3 to 7 leaves, reaching a height of up to 150 cm.
  3. Nephrolepis fern - loves moisture, making it an ideal decorative accent in the bathroom. Spraying and watering the plant helps maintain a high level of humidity. The delicate layer of water that settles on the surface perfectly moisturizes it. Suspended in a pot, ferns look elegant in both home and public toilets.
  4. Sansevieria - easy to grow, similar to Zamioculcas, it can reach a height of about 150 cm. Its thick, sword-shaped leaves with golden edges climb upwards. This potted flower purifies the air from toxins and blends nicely in small and large interiors.

Can shade-loving flowers survive without light?

Indoor plantsEvery plant, even those that prefer shade, needs access to light. How can we deal with this? The best solution is to invest in two plants of the same species. A clever way is to swap the plants. The plant that has been in the bathroom for a few days can be exchanged with the one standing in a well-lit room.

See also: How to save water, the best home tips.

Artificial plants for the bathroom

Artificial plants for the bathroom

For those who do not like or do not have time to take care of live plants, an alternative solution is to use artificial flowers for the bathroom. Decorative plants can be placed in any chosen location in the bathroom, with or without windows.

How to tell if a plant has been overwatered?

Potted plants - watering with water

Frequent watering can cause the plant to overflow. By providing too little water, we cause the flowers to become dry and their leaves to stiffen. The opposite situation occurs when the plant receives too much water, it becomes droopy and limp.

Author: Katarzyna Szumska